
HIDDEN HUNGER : A Hoodoo for our Country !

The physiological demands of the body are always ignored by us and thus make us dull, exhausted, weak, sleepy and more or less spiritless. You might be wondering who on the earth is still suffering fom this and what exactly does it state. Yes , there is long line of reasons stating the cause of this hoodoo in our country still seen in many. Excess of population paves way to lack opf proper facilities, unemployment, poverty,  lack of proper immunization for many, any disease or illness, regional availability or non-avilability of materials, gender biasness still prevailing in many parts of the country, lack of women education and still women staying behind due to societal pressure and mis concern. The most important of all is the lack of proper healthcare eductaion given to women or children in our country.  Deficiency of micronutrients like, iron, iodine, folate and vitamins along with protein at time,  is referred as HIDDEN HUNGER. A balanced diet including various nutrients and requi

CHALLENGING FIGHTS : Teacher Wins Everyday

  The challenges faced by the teachers are a way too hard and hidden by all. People used to believe what is it in going to school and work there. It is just a matter of half a day to work, teach and come back home early. But a teacher's life, job, her tasks, her planning and learning process are far too high, long, stressed, and hard working than anyone can imagine. She is not a half day worker but a full time full day occupied person with loads of accomplishments waiting by the day ends.  There are major challenges a teacher works on everyday and fights them back with full zeal and enthusiasm. The first and foremost bestows on laying an effective  communication  in the classroom with the students, lectures and also in the school premises with everyone. The teacher needs to make sure that the communication platform layed by her should be easy, short, explanatory in itself, cultured, ethical and most importantly valid. She should be able to make everyone understand what she actuall

Learning : A Part of Life for the Whole Life !

Learning never ends at any point of time of life rather continues to grow and move high as we head on.  Watch videos for Cell and its theory in simple font and explanation only at YouTube channel Escape into Knowledge with Dt. Komal Mittal  Preparing for entrances then definitely these videos are for you. Let learning be part of your life. Watch video and like. Visit Youtube page with video link and find videos with simple learning and no distractions of vivid images. Preparing for entrances then definitely these videos are for you.  Cell | Unit | DSSSB | KV | PGT | XI-XII |  BIOLOGY | VI-VIII | TGT | EXAM | Preparation | Test  Visit Youtube page with video link and find videos with simple learning and no distractions of vivid images. KNOW THE BENEFITS OF JOURNALING


  The home is often known as the first social cradle for all types of development, growth and changes. The child learns all from home. It has been high time that we thought about bringing changes and positivity to our behaviour at our place in front of our children. Why do we actually need to bring changes in ourselves or support our child in their work and respect their ideas? It is quite obvious that we need to provide a sense of direction towards their growth and motivate them to do more and more of good they are moving towards. The motivation and direction provided to them acts as a foundation for their intellectual and emotional growth for their path of success. The child gets a purpose of learning what he actually needs to for betterment and becoming a civilised citizen in future.  "BE POSITIVE AND BEHAVE POSITIVE"           -Dt. Komal Mittal Talk about yourself with an optimistic approach and display positivity towards your actions and goals. Create moments to dis


Your teen child may one day reply you back and all of the sudden may behave strange.   That day would make you realise how weak your upbringing led upto. But, what the actual reason may state out could be far different from what you thought it to be.  Welcome to this world of Emotional Problems faced by the teens or adolescents leading to mental stress and setbacks in them to prevail quite a long time or maybe at times for the whole life. Weak is never your upbringing or teachings but rather it is the mental health which might be worsening and getting weak in your child's case.  (* PTSD- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder;  *ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ) The strange emotional display occurs only when the child is going through emotional stress and leads to weak mental health . This is the time that parents support is required. We should never think that the child is grown up and can handle things by their own. The strength of thinking less yet. The right guidance


There was a time when elementary education was essential for all because the basic education was compulsory and mandatory to be free. The reason was simple, as the education system wanted to join all towards this journey of growth and development, thus the education at this level was free. The main goal was to work and make country progress thus giving a support to work for nation building.  Working each day, education aims to protect and guide citizens from corruption and social evils. Teachers play a major role as nation builders through their love and sacriifices. They show right path thus shaping our personality and moulding our character to reach the goal of destined path.  The greater literacy rate results in GDP of country to grow faster. The output can be increased and also lead to economic growth with raise in productivity and creativity. This also stiphenes technological breakthroughs. The educational growth help to create problem solvers thus helping to develop and train you

Be humble to motivate!

Life can be rewarding for some while it is actually very difficult for many but it all depends on our hard work and how we keep oursleves motivated in the journey of life and education to build a career and platform of success. It all depends on how we carry our lifestyle habits and daily work clubbed with dedication, consistency and endless efforts. It so happens that we get disheartned by what the result may show us to be. It is this time when we actually need someone to motivate us and gear up our energy to continue our journey of life or work.  FOCUS ON REWARDS  Always focus towards the reward you may think of which can even result up beyond your expectations. If you keep focussing on the struggles only then it would become too hard to concentrate on what is waiting for you on your  journey towards life long growth and development.  SET ONE GOAL Your goal towards which you need to work currently should be very clear and fixed. Wavering and vague ideas of multiple targets can only w


It is nowadays too hard to ignore a lot of things and manage only things which help us grow ourselves. It is hard work and dedication that builds our forward proceedings rather than getting turned off by the unimportant things in life.  Setbacks are temporary tghings which should matter most for a very long time. It is a matter to know then how can we revive ourselves from setbacks? Learn from the mistakes which you mistook for being smart to opt for or behaving an emotional person got you get hurt deeply.  The next efforts which you need to make should the best of the ones that you took previously. Practising the same will help you come out of the problems you must have faced earlier and thus help you grow posiitvity towards the action you will take for yourself for your growth with a growing mindset. You should make consistent efforts and keep trying agian to achieve the next step rather than stopping youselves with setbacks being a vague reason.    A person might be born intelligent


Once Nelson Mandela said, "education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" . Now that the world has changed, education is nowhere to be seen. Its all monopoly and narcissism that is spread around. A conceited love for oneself and merely populous social media.  Education promotes equity and equal opportunities for everyone rather than proving that men and women are equal to conduct a task. Education promotes development of morale, value s and not merely to boast or advertise them. Someone with lots of degrees and multi-lingual abilities once approached me to state about his educational level being too high. I literally wondered that me with a few degrees and some moral values, do I even stand to contest for being educated?  What according to you is education?  Multiple degrees with no moral values? Loads of experience with lesser degrees? Basic education with humanity and patience? Ethical way of handling situations and keeping the point of conte

Give Your Emotions Air to Breathe !

  The other day I was going through many things in my mind and ultimately landed up being upset and sick. My mind demanded emotional space and air to breathe. Does that mean I wanted a mask on my face with a cylinder full of compressed air at the point where I am already full with loads of compressed feelings? My emotions paved out way to fall from my eyes and flow like a river through the hills of my face and just vanish off at some point. The emotional imbalance often tends to make us weak, mulish and vulnerable. If these emotions keeps upon stacking inside us for a very long time, then yes, its devastating. The emotions gets hampered and impinged by the harsh reality of people around us though, we might be smiling at each other but somewhere injuring the inner core.  The emotions tend to go bare knuckle boxing with bizarre thoughts, illegitimate verbal expressions, actions and incompatible gestures. This produces antagonist actions, adversary effects and anxiety: thus stemming up se