HIDDEN HUNGER : A Hoodoo for our Country !

The physiological demands of the body are always ignored by us and thus make us dull, exhausted, weak, sleepy and more or less spiritless. You might be wondering who on the earth is still suffering fom this and what exactly does it state. Yes , there is long line of reasons stating the cause of this hoodoo in our country still seen in many. Excess of population paves way to lack opf proper facilities, unemployment, poverty, lack of proper immunization for many, any disease or illness, regional availability or non-avilability of materials, gender biasness still prevailing in many parts of the country, lack of women education and still women staying behind due to societal pressure and mis concern. The most important of all is the lack of proper healthcare eductaion given to women or children in our country. Deficiency of micronutrients like, iron, iodine, folate and vitamins along with protein at time, is referred as HIDDEN HUNGER. A balanced diet including various nutri...