HIDDEN HUNGER : A Hoodoo for our Country !

The physiological demands of the body are always ignored by us and thus make us dull, exhausted, weak, sleepy and more or less spiritless. You might be wondering who on the earth is still suffering fom this and what exactly does it state. Yes , there is long line of reasons stating the cause of this hoodoo in our country still seen in many. Excess of population paves way to lack opf proper facilities, unemployment, poverty, 

lack of proper immunization for many, any disease or illness, regional availability or non-avilability of materials, gender biasness still prevailing in many parts of the country, lack of women education and still women staying behind due to societal pressure and mis concern. The most important of all is the lack of proper healthcare eductaion given to women or children in our country. 

Deficiency of micronutrients like, iron, iodine, folate and vitamins along with protein at time,  is referred as HIDDEN HUNGER. A balanced diet including various nutrients and requirements are actually needed to make us heaslthy band prompt for our growth and developmemnt. Still there are areas in our country where it is difficult to even attain proper sanitation, accesss to clean drinking water and availability of essential health and other facilities. On a global index reprt somewhere India, has more than 37% of people with vitamin-D deficiency, and more than 45% of them with anemia in children and expectant women. It also shows people wioth iodine deficiency when affording salt with proper nutritional quality has also become to be afforded by few sections in our country. 

All this arises when people asre facing poverty day by day by poor getting poor and not even been able to afford proper food and nutritional requirements. This thus limits growth and working capacity of people. Even the people who seem to be leading noremal middle class life in our society lack nutrient value in their body and are prone to hiudden hunger thgus their body displays tiredness and restlessness all through their time of work. The unemployemnt rising day by day by the lacxk of jobs in government sectors and higher number of layoffs in the private sector is giving rise to unemployment thus ultimately making people lead a poor life full of disappointments and decrease in nutritional content in their body and getting away from a quality life which they could otherwise have won with their earning. 

The hidden hunger is impacting the PHYSICAL HEALTH by making the generation with weakened immunity, stunted growth, bone aches, cardiovascular diseases, with some developing anemia and probable chances of cancer in many cases. The lack of proper healthcare is misleading the youth and adults towards the orthodox and backward myths related to health and body. This also hampers teh COGNITIVE HEALTH ,especially that of children who thus have poor development and skills which makes them suffer in school performance. Some children also show mental impairement and form poor concentration, leading to reduced motivation. This may form a rigid obsessional thinking in the later stages of such children. This obsession provokes then to ruin their as well as other's life along. The impact is so strong in case of  hidden hunger that it raises morbidity and mobility thus lowering work productivity. People also face FOOD INSECURITY which also raises the cost for the advanced economics . The eduction is although too costly in our country which loads of charges and taxes been imposed on it making its access difficult for people from every section of the society. This creates a lower eductional attainment in the society thus impacting it nation wide along with increased healthcare costs. All of these contribute to m ood, behavious and substance abuse disoders. 
There are ways by which hidden hunger could be prevented in our country but should be atleast started by each one of us from our home. 
     Diversify the food choices to meet nutrient requirement on daily basis so as to fight nutritional deficiency and hidden hunger. 
       Consulting an expert helps you meet the temporary fulfilling of nutrients through supplements, antioxidant options, shakes or probiotics. 
        Prepare a standard food quality and keep in check for completing daily requirement through quality and purpose. 
        Opt of food options with a fortified mentioned on their packs like ortified with vitamin-D or any other nutrient you require to fulfil. 

State an example when you thought that hidden hunger was fought in our country in recent or early years . 
                                                                                                         -Dt. Komal Mittal

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