CHALLENGING FIGHTS : Teacher Wins Everyday


The challenges faced by the teachers are a way too hard and hidden by all. People used to believe what is it in going to school and work there. It is just a matter of half a day to work, teach and come back home early. But a teacher's life, job, her tasks, her planning and learning process are far too high, long, stressed, and hard working than anyone can imagine. She is not a half day worker but a full time full day occupied person with loads of accomplishments waiting by the day ends. 

There are major challenges a teacher works on everyday and fights them back with full zeal and enthusiasm. The first and foremost bestows on laying an effective communication in the classroom with the students, lectures and also in the school premises with everyone. The teacher needs to make sure that the communication platform layed by her should be easy, short, explanatory in itself, cultured, ethical and most importantly valid. She should be able to make everyone understand what she actually wants to state but in a very politeful manner. She has to address the major concepts not only to the students but to all the people mapped around the students in her classroom and school. 

The ones belonging to the teaching background have often heard the phrase individual differences very often. But, very few know what exactly does it mean by the same. The child is different from one another but what lies in between is the learning style a child gets set to and learn better. It is very important and major challenge for the teacher to understand the different learning style of the children in her classroom. It becomes a necessity to pln everyday and prepare lesson plans accordingly so that she can involve every child in her classroom in one way or the other in different classroom sessions. 

It is also a necessity now a dys to become more updated with the latest technology as the children are alredy aware about the AI and deeply involved into it in some or the other way. The children are not limited to the books and often surfing through various socialised channels and applications for competing with one another in different forms. So wherever the child needs help and monitoring the teacher should be able to handle doubts, problems and situations with the updated methods, syllabus, and application. 

For completing all these goals and aims a teacher is bound to prepare a lesson plan which is mandatory for all. This has become a major challenge because this makes the teacher sit for the same and become attentive to plan, prepare and write it out for the next day or the week. A written document churns our mind to catalyse new activities, methods, teaching styles and methods to become more interactive and engaging for the students thus boosting the confidence in the teacher as well as the students in her class. Some children are good in mind mapping, some in diagrammatic representation and few other are good in memorising the content and write it as it was done in the classroom. So planning the content prior helps the teacher to lay a background for her students to learn in way they are comfortable with for an easy learning, remembering and become exam oriented also. 

The admin work was nowhere in her learning record in such a detail which she works for everyday but it definitely becomes a challenge which she faces, fights and handles everyday to record in the most correct form with full accuracy. The classroom needs to be tackled also while completes any cumulative record of teaching or preparing the children to complete their work in notebook. At times the teacher takes help of a negative discipline  in a form of punishment. It is highly stated to avoid following this negative discipline in the classroom. Maintaining that perfect discipline to avoid such a situation is a big challenge which she need to handle in her class. This at times create a feeling of biasness, partiality or discrimination  in certain minds of the little ones. They may believe that teacher is partial for someone and creates biasness in punishing or rewarding. Although the teacher never believes in punishing or rewarding any one specially for anything. This is another major challenging hurdle to counsel the children and shower vigilant care and love to all her students somehow. The most important and never the least is the parent handling  where she needs to attend the parent's concern, doubts, worries and other help required to satisfy them that their children are in a safe environment amongst safe people and preparing themselves fo their happy, settled and growing future. 

If you are a teacher then definitely you need to be more responsible for whatever you do, plan or say. You need to be more inspiring, motivating and helpful towards your tasks, lifestyle and deeds in real life also. 

Share your thoughts also what you as a teacher believe yourself to be and if you are reading it as a parent of a child then definitely share what you believe the teacher does for your children.

                                                                                  Dt. Komal Mittal

Definitely visit the link on YouTube to watch my video for the challenges she faces each day. Do comment your thoughts and like and share more. Subscribe to the channel.



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