Your teen child may one day reply you back and all of the sudden may behave strange.  That day would make you realise how weak your upbringing led upto. But, what the actual reason may state out could be far different from what you thought it to be. 

Welcome to this world of Emotional Problems faced by the teens or adolescents leading to mental stress and setbacks in them to prevail quite a long time or maybe at times for the whole life. Weak is never your upbringing or teachings but rather it is the mental health which might be worsening and getting weak in your child's case. 

(*PTSD- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder;  *ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

The strange emotional display occurs only when the child is going through emotional stress and leads to weak mental health. This is the time that parents support is required. We should never think that the child is grown up and can handle things by their own. The strength of thinking less yet. The right guidance is required to help at all levels of life but especially at the age of adolescence. The reason behind these stress likes in their body itself. Their body is flooded with hormones which impacts their mood and the developing brain provokes them with poor decision making. The immaturity level is so high that it also scares them with even a minute negative display around. This is also the major reason that 47% children around fourteen years of age suffer PTSD. They tend to get flashbacks, nightmares, sweat and even feel pain if they went through any kind of debacle. They may even feel nausea, vomit and loose excess weight. The hormones get so peak that they may tend to overeat and gain excess of fat deposition inside their body. This is also a major concern to notice whether your child overeats due to stress or is it just the growing body that demand food. 

People often confuse PTSD with ADHD, but the later develops in childhood to continue till adulthood if worsens. The child in the case of ADHD lacks self-control and is hyperactive. The child is such a case lacks concentration and attention. So there isa lot of difference between the two problems. 

Various internet sources declare that famous personalities like Lady Gaga, Shia LaBeouf, Ariana Grande, Charlize Theron have sufferend to go through PTSD. 

6/100 people suffer from PTSD and 70 % of the global level. 3.9% of people must have surely experienced some or the other unfortunate experience at some point of their lifetime which still gives them a nightmare. In India no gender differnce is found in prevelance of PTSD. In adolescents, 8.9% of females and 10.5% of males are diagnosed with PTSD. These days people also demonstarte panic attcks after such a disaster faced in life at a very young age. 

We as an adult should be able to differentiate between stressful display of behaviour from that of a misbehaviour

So let us all start becoming vigillant rather than being too strict arounf our child so that we can help our children grwo well and lead a normal healthy life rather being unable to pull them out of their trauma You should be able to support your child smartly because your child needs you. 

Also follow link to watch video.

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                                                                                                      -Dt. Komal Mittal


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