We all study, we all give exams and we all more or less pass it, but does this prove education is set forever in your personality? 

Nope ! Education needs set of objectives to be valued and taken care of. These objectives motivate us to build dedication towards a planned structure to be followed in the direction of the goals we need to achieve. The vision set in our eyes for a better tomorrow begins with these objectives of education. The educational objectives maybe unidirectional or a multi-directional task for many. 

The unidirectional person is directed towards following a single lane towards the aim set for his personality and societal status. Such a child or person is passionate about the work in which his interest lies. The one with multidirectional approach of educational objectives builds a mind map of various opportunities clouded over him with ambitious approach of working. 

These objectives help us gain experience in the field of planned objectives. The unidirectional approach usually works wonders while dealing with professional educational programs and training. It bench marks us with a prefix along with our name. A person dedicated towards being a teacher will definitely study the basics and advance studies for educational build up to guide, become a mentor and gather life discipline to inculcate the same in the one they guide in future. They follow to teach. Similarly the one who wants to become engineer will definitely clear all hurdles of coaching, marking schemes, entrance exams particularly established and designed for becoming a professional in the engineering field. The unidirectional approach is important for becoming an expert and specialist in a particular field. Following a multidirectional approach also opens opportunities for those who get to gear up with whatever multiple options they select, perform and become a multi tasking professional. The prolong efforts, dedications towards works and consistency for a high profile status, respect and wearing a white collar, results in gaining experience in that task and thus help in achieving the educational goals and become a visionary.

These educational objectives leading to ample experience and reaching the goals planned, lays a path towards the destined personality. A rich personality is important than actually being rich. 

Collecting multiple degrees doesn't prove you educated rather a good personality, way of displaying your emotions and words make you educated. Multiple marksheets and degrees only prove literacy rate and strata of people around and not the educational status of people in actual. 

Its time you build you personality today and become impressive for others. 

                                                                                -Dt. Komal Mittal


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