Be humble to motivate!

Life can be rewarding for some while it is actually very difficult for many but it all depends on our hard work and how we keep oursleves motivated in the journey of life and education to build a career and platform of success. It all depends on how we carry our lifestyle habits and daily work clubbed with dedication, consistency and endless efforts. It so happens that we get disheartned by what the result may show us to be. It is this time when we actually need someone to motivate us and gear up our energy to continue our journey of life or work. FOCUS ON REWARDS Always focus towards the reward you may think of which can even result up beyond your expectations. If you keep focussing on the struggles only then it would become too hard to concentrate on what is waiting for you on your journey towards life long growth and development. SET ONE GOAL Your goal towards which you need to work currently should be very clear and fixed. Wavering and vague ideas of multiple...